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Cahour B., Forzy JF., Martin C. (2010).
Feelings and strategies of senior drivers: ways of coping with fear? Proceedings of ECCE 2010 (European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics). Delft, The Netherlands, 24-27 August 2010.
Créno, L. & Cahour, B. (2015).
Choix en ligne d’un covoiturage : processus cognitivo-affectifs mobilisés pendant l’activité décisionnelle. Actes du Colloque EPIQUE 2015, 8-10 iuillet 2015, Aix-en-Provence.
Créno, L. & Cahour, B. (2015).
Perceived risks and trust experience in a service of Carpooling. 22nd ITS World Congress (Intelligent Transport Systems). Bordeaux, France, 5-9 October 2015.
Créno L., Cahour B. (2014).
Chronicles of lived experiences for studying the process of trust in carpooling. Proceedings ECCE 2014, European Conference in Cog. Ergonomics. Vienna, 1-3 September 2014.
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